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From the blaring headphones of a skateboard-riding teenager to the soft hum of an elderly se锟給ra, the 20-time Latin Grammy winner has made his mark across seemingly every musical platform to every romance language-speaking demographic imaginable.After dropping arguably the least successful album of his career, 锟絇.A.R.C.E.,锟?in 2010, Juanes, whose real name is Juan Esteban Aristiz锟絙al, waited four years before releasing 锟絃oco de Amor锟?in early 2014. The album has been significantly more popular, thanks to a renewed focus on topics closest to his heart, he told the Review-Journal.Its three singles, 锟組il Pedazos,锟?锟絃a Luz锟?and 锟経na Flor,锟?approach the 锟絚oncept of love in a very different way,锟?he said, referring to the different stages of a romantic relationship from 锟絟appiness, emotions and dreams锟?at the beginning, to 锟絬nderstanding锟?and partnership as time goes on.In exploring that dynamic, Juanes, who won his first Latin Grammy in 2001, said he锟絪 having his 锟絙est time ever锟?on stage. And the world is noticing. The 42-year-old, whose resume includes performances at the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa and Macy锟絪 Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York, was recently invited to perform for Pope Francis锟?visit to Philadelphia in September.We recently caught up with Juanes for a quick chat. He shared his thoughts on his latest album, what he loves most about Las Vegas, playing for the pope, and looking back on a storied career.Q: Can you talk a little bit about your inspiration for the album and how the tour锟絪 going so far?A: The inspiration for this album came from the concept of love in a very different way. When you锟絩e in love it锟絪 not just about happiness. Sometimes you get upset or you get depressed or you get crazy in love. I just wanted to write songs about all these different moments in relationships. For example, when you start a relationship, everything is about happiness, emotions and dreams. And then you start to realize you have to understand the other person and you have to work with this other person and then other elements come to the relationship. You learn in many different ways.I锟絤 having my best time ever performing because I really love this topic and also producing with Steve Wildey. He gave me some of the elements to perform live that I really like.Q: Since you released your first solo album in 2000, you锟絭e become one of the faces of Latin pop and you锟絩e known all across the world. When you look back, does it ever seem surreal or are you ever surprised by the amount of success you锟絭e had in your career?Page 2 of 3 - A: Yes, definitely, I look back and I see all these things that are happening to me, and I just feel so thankful with life and with music. And that锟絪 something I never expected in my biggest dreams. I always dreamt having a career in music, but never in the way it happened. So I feel so full of energy and very thankful with life for this opportunity. Because I always dreamed about being on stage performing and it锟絪 something I enjoy every day of my life.Q: Can you talk a little bit about what Ximena Sari锟絘na brings to your show?A: She has a new, fresh sound that she锟絪 building, and her energy on stage is incredible. She锟絪 a really cool star, she锟絪 talented and she锟絪 unique.Q: You锟絭e performed with everybody from Ximena to Juan Luis Guerra to Nelly Furtado and even Claudia Leitte. Do you have any favorites that you锟絭e most enjoyed playing with over these years?A: I锟絤 very happy working with Juan Luis Guerra. Very recently, I also worked with Juan Gabriel (laughs). It was incredible. But each artist is so different from one another.After you work in a collaboration with somebody else, you get things from the other artist that you can do yourself and try to make different. It锟絪 very healthy.Q: Even though you锟絩e still making new hits, you锟絩e known for playing the classics at your shows, like 锟絃a Camisa Negra,锟?锟組ala Gente锟?and 锟紸 Dios Le Pido,锟?among others. What keeps you still playing those still so often, over a decade later?A: I just like to make people happy at shows, I want to think as if I were a part of the audience. I锟絛 want to know about new songs, but also hear the old stuff too, because I really love that. When I锟絤 performing, I want to give the audience the best that we can, showing them both the new stuff and old stuff. And just combine those throughout the show.Q: You锟絩e scheduled to play for Pope Francis next month in Philadelphia. Is that your first time performing for a pope?Yes, the first time playing for a pope and I锟絤 really excited. More than religion itself, I really feel that what he锟絪 doing is just incredible. And I feel very honored to be part of that event.Q: You锟絩e very involved in charities and giving back with your time, perhaps more than most artists. What drives you to do that?A: Getting involved in music helped me to really understand and care about social issues. Back in the day I was part of a rock band in the 锟?0s and 锟?0s, Ekhymosis, and I used to write social lyrics all of the time. Once I became a solo artist, I released 锟紽ijate Bien,锟?and I began to better understand the fatalities, statistics and different aspects of conflicts in Colombia. I wanted to be part of helping people change their lives. Because in my personal experience, art transformed my life. So there锟絪 a way to give back something like that, I want to do it.Page 3 of 3 - Contact Las Vegas Review-Journal writer Chris Kudialis at ckudialis@reviewjournal.com or find him on Twitter: @kudialisrj.
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Holloway had championed the stadium effort, though it came not without controversy and dissension in many corners of the city. The stadium was largely funded by the state of Mississippi, which provided $15 million received by the state in a settlement with BP after the Deepwater Horizon incident. [url=http://www.le-bk.fr/]air max pas cher[/url] The survey found that two in five have experienced a home emergency in the past 12 months. A faulty heating or air-conditioning system was the No. 1 most common home emergency, with 14 percent needing to repair or replace one of these systems over the last year. The second most common was a blocked or overflowing toilet (10 percent), followed by a faulty electrical circuit, switch or outlet, and a water heater repair or replacement (each 7 percent). i [url=http://www.leslascarsgays.fr/]http://www.leslascarsgays.fr[/url]
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Unquestionably, Thomas is one of the NFL's better receivers though, the NFL Network ranked him sixth (I thought it was seventh, but Thomas was quick to point out my slight slighting). He compiles Star Wars numbers, and occasionally catches passes that seemed literally impossible for a human being to catch. [url=http://www.musicales-boffres.fr/]tn pas cher[/url] Police are not releasing the identities of the suspect and victim at this time, and anyone with information on the stabbing is asked to call the Concord Police Department Investigations Division at (925) 671-3030 or the Concord Police Department Tip Line at (925) 603-5836.
07/19/2015 05:00:00 PM MDTState Sen. Lucia Guzman snatches the ball of rubber bands off the desk of Sen. Vicki Marble on the last day of the legislative session, May 6, at the Colorado State Capitol. (Denver Post file) [url=http://www.le-bk.fr/]air max pas cher[/url] Drought may not be an issue in your region right now, but water shortages strike different areas at different times of the year, so saving water is always in season! Wherever you live, make it a water-savvy summer with the following tips:
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There may be far more coming our way!In addition to ' new we'll likely get a spin-off to the Fox drama, the co-creator revealed at the Television Critics Association's fall previews on Thursday."There is going to be a spin-off from Empire without question," Daniels said. "I think there's so much ripe story [that] we've talked about it in the [writers] room already. About Cookie's family, what makes them her. Lucious' family, what makes them them. That in itself is fascinating to me."While a spin-off about Cookie's or Lucious' family would make for great dramatic TV, we're pushing for a Porsha show!While we theorize about possible Empire spin-offs, check out the brand-new trailer for Season 2 below!Empire returns Wednesday, Sept. 23 at 9/8c.Other Links From TVGuide.com [url=http://www.mileas.fr/]http://www.mileas.fr[/url] On plans for the lot, Brownman Development Company, who will be constructing the new Walmart Supercenter, has identified Panda Express, Jamba Juice, KFC, Krispy Kreme and McDonald鈥檚 as interested parties in the new buildings, which have yet to be constructed.
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p On Thursday, April 30, the list will be trimmed down to the top 10 finalists, while the top 3 finalists will be selected and released on Thursday, May 13. The inaugural NFCA Division I National Freshman of the Year trophy will be presented during a live ceremony on May 20 prior to the opening of the Division II National Championship that will be held in Oklahoma City, Okla. for the first time. [url=http://www.mileas.fr/]http://www.mileas.fr[/url] It occurred to me on the summer vacation drive down I-95 to visit family that there is literally not a single song the whole family can agree on. Forget about genres 锟?that锟絪 a lost cause. But our family of four can锟絫 even agree on one song we all like.That锟絪 not to say there aren锟絫 any songs we all know. Between us we can remember all the words to the national anthem, and we锟絩e pretty familiar with Happy Birthday. But finding a single song at least one of us doesn锟絫 despise is apparently impossible. This isn锟絫 unusual between generations, of course. Just do a little research on the history of rock 锟絥 roll (锟紼d Sullivan Show,锟?anyone?) or watch the 1980s classic movie 锟紽ootloose锟?starring Kevin Bacon. Every succeeding generation is convinced their music is by far superior to whatever was written before they arrived on the scene.Here锟絪 how it breaks down in the car: Wife 锟?Madonna, all things 锟?0s and Top 40 (basically anything played by radio stations with 锟絑锟?or 锟終iss锟?as the prefix, as in Z100 or Kiss 108). She锟絪 also a big seat dancer, which has the bonus effect of mortifying the boys. Eldest teenager 锟?rap, hip hop, lots of artists with the word 锟絀ce锟?in their name like Ice-T or Ice Cube (fortunately he doesn锟絫 like Vanilla Ice). Youngest teenager 锟?heavy metal, grunge (with a particular emphasis on Nirvana) and death metal. I锟絤 not sure what death metal actually is, but I锟絤 sure it would be appropriate to play at church on, say, Good Friday. Then there锟絪 me: blues, classic rock and Gregorian chant (not necessarily in that order).The upshot is that on long car rides I give thanks that God created headphones. Sure, I miss the conversation, but it beats the loud complaining about everyone else锟絪 musical preferences. Until Madonna raps a heavy metal song inspired by the blues, it锟絪 probably better this way.The irony is that my late father was a symphony orchestra conductor. And while he was very tolerant of my teenage preference for Kiss and AC/DC, it锟絪 not as if my family is fighting over whether to play Bach or Mahler. Arguing between Metallica, Taylor Swift, Public Enemy and the Rolling Stones feels somehow less highbrow.The good news in all of this is that it leads to conversation about how musical tastes are as individual as one锟絪 personality. There锟絪 no right or wrong when it comes to what inspires us or moves us or makes us think. To me, rap sounds like a car crash, I can锟絫 understand the lyrics in heavy metal, and as for Top 40 I prefer my music to be played by actual instruments rather than computers. This doesn锟絫 make me right or wrong but it does contribute to who I am as a person.Page 2 of 2 - So I think there锟絪 a lesson in tolerance embedded in these long car rides. And in reality it锟絪 not all about the headphones for us. Sometimes we go around the car and let each person pick one song. The rule is that no complaining is allowed during the song and then afterwards the person who picked it must describe what they like about it. Diversity comes in many forms. Some forms are just louder than others.The Rev. Tim Schenck is author of 锟紽ather Tim锟絪 Church Survival Guide锟?(Morehouse) and Rector of the Episcopal Parish of St. John the Evangelist in Hingham, Massachusetts. Visit his blog Clergy Confidential at clergyconfidential.com or follow him on Twitter @FatherTim. b
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* Personal attacks, insults or threats. [url=http://www.le-bk.fr/]http://www.le-bk.fr[/url] This week UACCH is hosting their one week medical camp, Camp Save-A-Life. The program is a continuation of the Kids College. It is held for jr.high students. The camp accepts 20 students in all.This year the camp did better than expected. Within the first hour of registration, the camp filled up. All of the classes are taught by UACCH nursing instructors and students. Nancy Kentworthy, Director, said that many of the things that the students are learning are close to what college nursing students are learning. The students are exposed to a lot of different areas, Kentworthy said. They get scrub tops, badges, clip boards and ink pens. The students get to explore a wide variety of the medical field. Kentworthy says that they have vets, pharmacists and dentists to visit the classrooms.Many of the students have taken life lessons from this camp. Some have even saved lives with the techniques that they have learned. Many of the students recall one of the participants of the camp being at home with her grandfather while he had a stroke. There have also been incidents where people have choked and it was reported that some of the students of the camp successfully helped someone. Kentworthy says that this program helps break down stereotypes. Many times people associate healthcare with women.They associate nursing with women and doctors as being men, but once the students see both genders performing the medical duties it opens their eyes.The program will end Friday, and there will be a graduation held in their honor. All students will receive a diploma and stethoscope upon graduation. The graduation will be held at 5:30pm on June 26th in the ST Lecture Hall. p [url=http://www.magelule.fr/]www.magelule.fr[/url]
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Nutritionists agree the blueberry is one of the world s greatest superfoods.However, well before science was on the scene, the original inhabitants of North America took advantage of the abundance offered by the land. The natives shared their knowledge of the berries with the European settlers, and now blueberries are just one of hundreds of American foods that have become a part of many cuisines.When choosing blueberries from the store or farmers market look for berries that are firm, plump, and have smooth skin. Wrinkled blueberries may mean they have been stored too long, and stay away from any batch that contains moldy, soft, or squashed berries. Color is a great indicator of ripeness: red or green berries have not fully ripened; ripe blueberries should range from deep purple or blue to nearly black in color. Refrigerate covered but not airtight within one to two weeks, depending on age upon purchase. Avoid washing the berries until just before using.To have great berries all year round, buy as many blueberries as possible while in season. Rinse, dry, and freeze in a freezer safe zip-top bag, pressing out as much air as possible. Patting dry the berries will ensure they are individually frozen so you can remove as few or as many as you need. The berries can also be frozen in a single layer on a cookie sheet, then properly stored in the freezer.If buying already frozen blueberries, feel the bag: the blueberries feel loose in the bag, not clumped. Clumped berries indicate that during some point in the shipping/storing process the berries thawed and were refrozen an unknown number of times. This also goes for most frozen fruits and vegetables such as peas, broccoli florets, and other berries.A practical trend known as edible landscaping has become popular among sensible homeowners. Purely ornamental trees, bushes, and flowers are replaced with plants that produce edible or useful fruits, vegetables, roots, etc, as well as certain flowers that attract beneficial insects.Blueberry bushes are a perfect example of edible landscaping in many ways. The bushes themselves can be visually attractive and fairly easy to tend. Once the berries turn blue, leave them on the bush a few more days for berry perfection.Most blueberry varieties are not self-pollinating, meaning more than one bush will be needed to ensure berry production. Blueberries prefer slightly acidic soil (soil with a pH between 5.0-6.0). (Note: Soil testing kits are available at many garden supply centers, or soil samples can be analyzed by extensions/divisions of horticultural departments of some universities.)Blueberry Freezer JamIngredients:1 1/4 cups blueberries, mashed1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice1/3 cup water3 tablespoons pectin2 3/4 cup granulated sugarPage 2 of 3 - In a large bowl, toss together blueberries and lemon juice. Add sugar, mix thoroughly, and set aside for 10 minutes.In a small pot, combine water and pectin. Bring to a full boil that cannot be stirred down. Boil hard for 1 minute, stirring constantly.Add cooked pectin to the berries and stir for 3 minutes.Ladle jam into clean freezer jars leaving 1/2-inch headspace at the top. If freezing right away, apply caps and let the jam stand in refrigerator until set, but no longer than 24 hours. Serve immediately, refrigerate up to three weeks, or freeze up to a year.Blueberry Lemonade PieIngredients:1 recipe pie crust, chilled (recipe follows)Flour, for pressing out crust1 lemon zested and juiced1 1/2 cups sugar1/2 cup unsalted butter melted and cooled4 eggs2 tablespoons1/4 teaspoon kosher salt1/2 cup fresh blueberries1/4 cup all-purpose flourPreheat oven to 325 degrees.Place 12 silicone baking cups on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper or a Silpat liner. Divide the pie crust into 12 pieces and using floured fingers, press one piece into each baking cup. If making a whole pie, roll out dough and place into a 9-inch pie dish, crimping the edges as desired. Refrigerate until ready to fill.In a large mixing bowl, mix together lemon zest, lemon juice, sugar, butter, eggs, cornmeal, and kosher salt until well combined.Toss the blueberries with the flour. Fold the floured blueberries into the pie filling.Divide the mixture among the 12 pie shells or into the 9-inch crust. Place in a preheated oven, and bake until the filling has set and the crust is golden brown, about 30 to 35 minutes for small pies or 40-45 minutes for a large pie.Crust ingredients:1 stick unsalted butter1 1/2 cups all-purpose flourOne pinch kosher saltWhole milk, about 2/3 cupStir together the butter, flour, and salt in a mixing bowl. Using a pastry blender, cut the butter into the flour until the butter is the size of peas.Working in sections around the bowl, add milk one splash at a time to the flour and stir. Continue adding the milk until the dough retains the shape of your hand when squeezed. On a floured surface, divide the dough into thirds, stack, press down, and repeat. Continue to fold the dough onto itself 3-4 times. Wrap the crust in plastic wrap and flatten into a rectangle.Chill dough, about 10-15 minutes before rolling dough into desired shape.Blueberry Streusel MuffinsStreusel ingredients:1/2 cup fresh blueberries1/2 cup all-purpose flour, sifted1 cup packed light brown sugarPage 3 of 3 - 1/2 cup pecans, chopped1/4 cup unsalted butter, room temperature1 tablespoon cinnamon toastedPlace the blueberries in a bowl and toss with flour.Add the brown sugar, pecans, butter and cinnamon and stir to combine.Muffin ingredients:2 cups all-purpose flour3/4 teaspoon baking soda1 teaspoon salt1 cup granulated sugar1/4 cup unsalted butter, room temperature2 large eggs, room temperature1 1/2 cups blueberries1/3 cup plain yogurt1 teaspoon vanilla extractPreheat oven to 350 degrees. Line a baking sheet with 24 silicone baking cups or line a muffin tin with paper liners.Whisk flour, baking soda, and salt together in a small bowl.Place sugar and butter in the bowl of a stand mixer and beat at medium speed until well blended. Scrape the sides often.Add the eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition.Add blueberries, yogurt, and vanilla. Beat until blended.Mix in the flour mixture, a little at a time, until just incorporated. Do not over mix.Divide batter among muffin cups. Top the muffin batter with blueberry streusel.Bake until a toothpick inserted into center comes out clean, about 30-40 minutes.Cool 10 minutes in the pan and then invert onto a cooling rack.Season Stepp can be reached at Season28@aol.com [url=http://www.musicales-boffres.fr/]nike tn pas cher[/url] Article published on Thursday, April 16, 2015 [url=http://www.leslascarsgays.fr/]www.leslascarsgays.fr[/url]
8) Yvonne DabAlaskak, Oslo, Norway [url=http://www.joffreyfaroux.fr/]nike tn pas cher[/url] Turkey has shifted significantly in the war against ISIS (the Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria), and is now striking the enemy directly and permitting the United States-led coalition to use air bases. On July 28, an emergency North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) meeting was held in Brussels, at Turkey锟絪 request. Alliance solidarity was reconfirmed.At the same time, allies have urged restraint in new Turkish attacks on the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK). Historically, the Turkish Kurd population has been characterized by strong separatist elements. The banned PKK is an extreme faction. Concern about regional instability related to the Kurds is one reason Turkey opposed the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003.For more than a decade, the Islamist Justice and Development Party (AKP), an Islam based religious party, has governed Turkey. This has complicated relations with the U.S., and other nations. However, despite strains our alliance with Turkey has essentially survived.Many outside observers, especially in Europe and the U.S., focus on signs of Islamic extremism in Turkey. Terrorist efforts in Europe since 9/11 have achieved decidedly mixed results but strongly reinforce such anxiety.Turkey锟絪 relative isolation within Europe adds to concern. The European Union has turned the nation锟絪 application for membership into an ordeal. No doubt concern about Islamic extremism contributes to caution.In fact, Turkish developments in important respects have been reassuring. The people remain committed to representative government. To date, terrorist acts in the country have boomeranged, with considerable hostility toward perpetrators of the criminal acts.Turkey has a history of domestic military intervention, but the AKP has operated to avoid takeover by the generals To be sure, tensions and some serious controversies have arisen between leaders of the military and the government, but so far coexistence has continued. There has been no repeat of the military takeovers of earlier periods.Since the successful revolution in the 1920s led by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, Turkey has been constitutionally strictly secular. The army serves as watchdog to keep religion at bay. Four times in the past half century, the generals have acted. At times, military intervention has been bloody.Turkey锟絪 geostrategic importance should be overriding for policymakers in the U.S. and other nations. Turkey commands sea and land routes, including the Strait of Bosporus, for shipping oil, gas and other important commodities. Governments in Ankara have in the past worked effectively with Israel, and current strains combine with some hopeful developments.Ankara-Washington cooperation is strongly rooted. Turkey has been actively engaged in Afghanistan, including major military and diplomatic responsibilities. During the first Persian Gulf War, U.S. B-52 bombers deployed on Turkish soil, a potentially risky move by Ankara. Turkey played a vital Allied role during the Korean War; the UN military cemetery at Pusan contains a large number of Turkish graves.Page 2 of 2 - Germany and Turkey historically are military allies. Encouraging that partnership in today锟絪 more stable world makes sense. Germany锟絪 leadership is crucial to the EU, and influence steadily grows in Russia and Central Asia.Turkey has participated in multinational diplomatic initiatives to end the Syria civil war. Syrian refugees streaming into Turkey have provided a major challenge, overall handled humanely by Ankara. Simultaneously, the current government锟絪 ties with Iran cause concern.U.S-Turkey bilateral cooperation is vital as well as durable. The NATO alliance survived the Cold War, and is proving valuable in pursuing stability in Europe 锟?and beyond.Arthur I. Cyr is Clausen Distinguished Professor at Carthage College and author of 锟紸fter the Cold War锟?(NYU Press and Palgrave/Macmillan). He can be reached at acyr@carthage.edu. f [url=http://www.okazo.fr/]nike tn pas cher[/url]
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* Comments unrelated to the story. [url=http://www.leslascarsgays.fr/]http://www.leslascarsgays.fr[/url] One thing that Anthony Barnes has done consistently is coach.He s passionately done that job since graduating high school, and serving as a mentor to kids is a virtue he holds to.And the newly appointed Murray Middle School athletic director already has a vision of what he is going to bring to the table. While turning the school into a league-sanctioned powerhouse is his dream, it all won t come to fruition quickly Rome wasn t built in a day, after all. Instead, he is going to start this off with a sport that he is passionate about: cross country. After all, it is a low-cost sport. Shoes, shirt, shorts, legs and positive thoughts are all that are needed to field a successful team.The school will have two squads, varsity and junior varsity. Eighth graders cannot be a part of a junior-varsity squad, however. As far as the number of kids involved, there will be no cuts. Every time I ve ever done cross country or track, we ve never cut, Barnes said. Since I can have an unlimited number of junior-varsity players, I cannot cut. The team is joining the High Desert Athletic League (HDAL), a federation that fields 22 teams, 18 of which have cross country. The season runs from late-August till mid-October, totaling eight meets. It wraps up with a Finals Meet on Sept. 26 and the prestigious Mt. SAC Invitational on Oct. 16.Putting Murray s hat into the HDAL was not difficult for Barnes. As it is simply one sport (for now), and with the league having an official scheduler, it was as simple as attending the athletic director meetings. And when Murray is ready for more teams, the HDAL will be too. They (league officials) have left the door open for us for varsity teams such as basketball, Barnes said.Building the bridgeSo far, Barnes has found warm support from parents and students on starting the cross country team. There are challenges money, transportation, number of players but it s nothing that he was unprepared for. I ve contacted parents, and they re interested, he said. I have a core group of kids (willing to join) but there s a difference between interests and if it really happens. The biggest problem, Barnes said, is transportation. An expensive expenditure, he has hopes that there will be support within the school for more drivers to get kids out to away meets.After all, the amount of competitive HDAL meets Murray will have at home is zero. For now, the Mighty Mustangs will play a nomadic role, as is expected as newcomers to the league.Page 2 of 2 - Prepping for high schoolAnother goal with sanctioning Murray athletics is getting the ability to provide a sort of a farm system for Burroughs High School.While some of the kids move on to become a Burro, the fact that they have some experience would help in making the high-school programs stronger. We have a great town of soccer players, so this is a great opportunity to extend on that, Barnes said. We can help the high schools out by building their programs by having the kids participate early on. Keep talent in townRidgecrest s issue with youth sports is that there are viable options out of town.By providing competitive middle-school athletics, Barnes seeks to stop that without stepping on anyone s toes.Football and baseball are taken care of in the community; there are viable resources for that. But cross country, track, volleyball and basketball are some of the sports that could use a boost, Barnes said. It s like having the cake and eating it, too. I feel that, per capita, we have the best athletes, Barnes said. Some of these athletes go out of town, for legitimate reasons. If we have coaches, then we can have elite teams. We can have a team from Ridgecrest. Being able to start one program can be the catalyst to starting more programs in the future. Volleyball, soccer and baseball/softball are ideas Barnes has on how to expand the program.Adding more local middle-school teams are also on the slate. Monroe has chosen not to, but Barnes is optimistic that a rivalry between the two schools will happen. In the future, we d love doing this with Monroe, he said. For now, Murray will still field volleyball and basketball teams, as it had done in the past. But it will remain leagueless until the school can get the funding.Endless possibilitiesBarnes doesn t expect Murray to be one-and-done in the HDAL.Up next: get as many sports involved in the league as possible. There s a lot of work ahead for the fresh athletic director, and he is ready to forge the future of the Mighty Mustangs.It all begins Monday. There s the paperwork and informative meetings to go through. That s only one. By the end of it, Barnes wants more. I would like to have all the teams in this league, he said. Unfortunately, the league does not have every sport, but adding more teams is reasonable. n [url=http://www.leslascarsgays.fr/]chaussure louboutin pas cher[/url]
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